In da blood

In da blood

I find it so interesting how skills and trades are carried throughout generations of families. From lawyers, doctors, plumbers, and artists, it is something that for me personally, just ended up happening. Since birth, I have accumulated so many subconscious habits, routines, and ways of life have gotten ingrained in my body, that it would feel wrong to not bring these with me through my life. Both of my parents have taught me the importance of observation and viewing things in more than one way. Not only are these skills for art and painting, I feel as though these are qualities in which I incorporate in my daily life. Art and life are intertwined universes. You can't have life without art and there wouldn't be art without life. 

In the beginning of my art journey in New York, I was struggling with the internal battle of embracing that art is something that I do. I felt like it was so expected of me, since not only is it something my parents do, but also my grandmother. I felt unoriginal and felt like it was an expected path. However, I later came to the conclusion that there is such beauty within the history of generations of my family expressing themselves through art, and the impact it has on my family. I realized I was trying to reject and block out something that is truly so beautiful and special. With this new found realization, I have learned to not limit myself in my expression in all categories of my life. From my day to day, and through my painting style, I am trying my best to embrace all parts of me, and find beauty within all parts of myself. 

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